"All Problems are Illusions 

of the mind"   -ECKHART TOLLE

Mrs. Rohini Karhadkar

M.A, M.Sc. ICAP-1 

Counselling Psychologist(Online and Offline)

Serving in the field of Mental health as a Counselling Psychologist with over decades of experience in counseling individuals from diverse cultures, races, and ethnicity across India and abroad. Clients with a variety of issues cropping from different walks of life dealing with various age groups like Children, Adolescents, Adults, and the Elderly fraternity.

The focus is on Enhancing Mental health, Behaviour modification, and bringing in lifestyle changes by Encouraging Holistic development. Having an integrated approach to counseling, Custom designing from different theories and techniques that are suitable for the clients based on their requirements.

Behavior therapy techniques have proven helpful and effective in treating Psychological disorders and adjustment issues in clients. In therapy sessions, they have proved to be quite effective in Stress Management, Anxiety, Depression, Anger management, Eating disorders, Trauma, Relationship, and Self Improvement related concerns.