How to fix an appointment?

You can call me and we can decide upon a mutually convenient time. Sessions are with prior appointments only. Any change in appointment time needs to be informed in advance.

How often therapy is required?

Takes regularity and consistency to encourage change and growth. It works best when clients attend weekly sessions and later with longer breaks like once in ten or fifteen days looking at how things are unfolding.

How long does it take to see the results?

Usually, it depends on the concern that you want to work on and the goals for therapy. Your motivation, cooperation, and willingness to achieve those goals. You will need at least 6 sessions of therapy to notice any progress.

How long is each session?

Each session is for 45 to 60 minutes.

About confidentiality

The relationship between the therapist and client is confidential. In exceptional cases of a client being in danger of harming self or harming others' life, confidentiality may be breached to ensure the safety of all involved.